GUEST COLUMNIST: Evan Perperis, an Army Special Forces Soldier (retired) Shares His Thoughts on Our Motto

Talking with some of my military coworkers — who are the most lethal people I know — we were talking about the spectrum of violence and what happens if we get into a fight.
Where I stand, and where many of the smartest members of the military I know agreed, is I’m going to do everything I can do avoid a fight. Why?
This includes reasons like:
- I don’t want to seriously hurt someone.
- I don’t want any additional legal/financial/psychological trouble
- I don’t know the skill level of the guy I’m fighting (too high and I get hurt, too low and it’s not even fair)
- I don’t know what model he is operating under (e.g. Is he going to start the fight by stabbing me?)
- And maybe because it is simply not the nice thing to do.
This means that I’ll do everything to avoid the fight. I’ll be kind, try to deter the aggression, deescalate the brewing conflict and, even if it hurts my ego, I’ll run away.
When all of these have failed and my life or the lives of my family are in danger, we switch to the “destroy if you must.”
Destroying may mean everything up to and including lethal options, if required. It is not something I’m looking to do, want to do or am seeking, but is a part of being a protector (like a member of the military or just ethical civilian). Destroying doesn’t always mean lethal; it may just mean preventing the threat from continuing the attack and allowing space for those in danger to get to safety.
The spectrum of violence in real life (excluding training or sport fighting) goes from nothing to serious bodily harm with almost nothing in between. There simply is not a good reason to fight outside of a sportive or training center otherwise.
If you haven’t adopted many of the slogans and life lessons of Tiga Tactics, it is time to start looking at yourself in the mirror. Then think through the long-term consequences and 2nd/3rd order effects that may come from being too aggressive.
You’ll find if you stick to Tiga Tactics mindset, you’ll hopefully never have to use the skillset and toolset portion of the Pyramid of Personal Protection.
Run If You Can, Destroy If You Must™ (merchandishe now available here)