Master Self-Defense Skills for Real-World Scenarios

We empower you so you can protect yourself and your loved ones by distilling only the most effective tactics and techniques from our co-founders’ combined 60-plus years of experience in martial arts, combat sports, and combatives.


A self-defense training company that offers effective personal-protection programs through webinars, home study courses, and in-person seminars.


Our co-founders — Dr. Conrad Bui and Patrick Vuong — are lifelong martial artists with a combined 60-plus years of continuous training in traditional martial arts, modern combat sports, and various weapon systems.


We teach proven defenses against the most common street attacks by combining decades of self-defense experience with in-depth analysis of footage of real-life violence - providing training that's safe, fun, and effective.


At Tiga Tactics, our instructors bring decades of expertise in martial arts and self-defense. Dr. Conrad Bui and Patrick Vuong provide top-tier training designed to keep you safe in real-world situations. And as subject matter experts, they have been featured in multiple international publications, including Recoil Magazine and Black Belt Magazine.

Dr. Conrad Bui

  • Advanced instructor in 9 systems (Silat & Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
  • Champion in dozens of combat sports tournaments
  • Training since 1978
Years of Self-Defense Experience
0 +
Advanced Instructor Certifications
Degree Black Belt in Freestyle Karate
0 th

Patrick Vuong

  • Instructor of 4 systems, including the bladed art of Kali
  • Published knife reviewer and self-defense journalist
  • Training since 1995
Years of Self-Defense Experience
0 +
Degree Black Belt in Kung Fu
0 nd

Blog Feed


Our co-founders have teamed up with a U.S. Army Special Forces soldier to take a deep dive into the world of personal protection through the long-form medium of a podcast. Listen for free as they dissect everything from how to weaponize kindness to understanding the most common street attacks.


In The Media

As trusted subject-matter experts, we’ve been featured in numerous international media since 2001. Our articles and photos about self-defense have appeared in various award-winning magazines and iconic publications, with more on the way every year.

Tiga Tactics, the name, and the logo are registered trademarks of Total Tiga, LLC., its content, and all related indicia are intellectual property of Total Tiga, LLC.

Copyright 2025 Total Tiga, LLC. All rights reserved.

What’s the No. 1 most common street attack?

And would you know how to defend against it? To find out what it is, what the warning signs are, and how you can stop it, just sign up below to get a PDF report — completely FREE — emailed directly to your inbox.