The Laken Riley Act was recently signed into law — but will do no good for its namesake.

That’s because Laken Riley was murdered while going for a morning run at the University of Georgia’s Oconee Forest Park almost a year ago this month.

The last person the 22-year-old nursing student contacted was her mother.

“Good morning,” she texted her mom. “About to go for a run if you’re free to talk.”

  • At 9:03 a.m. Riley called her mother, but she didn’t answer.

  • At 9:11 a.m. Riley called 911.

  • At 9:12 a.m. the 911 operator called her back twice. No response.

  • At 9:28 a.m. her heart stopped, according to her smartwatch.

  • At 12:38 p.m. police found Riley’s body in a wooded area in the park.

“She fought for her life. She fought for her dignity,” said prosecutor Sheila Ross during the trial against Riley’s killer, Jose Antonio Ibarra of Venezuela.

The 26-year-old undocumented migrant was eventually convicted of murder, along with 9 other charges including kidnapping and aggravated assault with intent to rape.

But I’m not going to get into the wider immigration debate. Instead, I want to narrow it down to personal protection.

After all, Riley did everything a jogger is supposed to do to stay safe.

She shared her iPhone location with her roommates. She went out in broad daylight. And she ran with her phone in her hand.

And yet she was STILL beaten with a rock and strangled to death.

This is a tragic reminder that doing “the right things” might still not be enough to save you.

Calling 911 won’t save you.

Laws won’t save you.

Ultimately, only YOU can save you.

That’s why we’re hosting the Runners Guide to Self-Defense Webinar on February 23.

This exclusive 1-hour online event will feature retired Special Forces soldier and Obstacle Course Racing world champion Evan Perperis, who will reveal what you can do to avoid, deter, and defend against a violent attack while you’re outside training or hiking.

You’ll discover key lifestyle choices, on top of learning fight-stopping techniques, that can safeguard you and your loved ones.

And don’t think you need to be a jogger to attend.

Essentially, if you walk in public — and who doesn’t? — you and your loved ones will benefit from this virtual seminar.


GUEST COLUMNIST: Evan Perperis, an Army Special Forces Soldier (retired) Shares His Thoughts on Our Motto

Talking with some of my military coworkers — who are the most lethal people I know — we were talking about the spectrum of violence and what happens if we get into a fight.

Where I stand, and where many of the smartest members of the military I know agreed, is I’m going to do everything I can do avoid a fight. Why?

This includes reasons like:

  • I don’t want to seriously hurt someone.
  • I don’t want any additional legal/financial/psychological trouble
  • I don’t know the skill level of the guy I’m fighting (too high and I get hurt, too low and it’s not even fair)
  • I don’t know what model he is operating under (e.g. Is he going to start the fight by stabbing me?)
  • And maybe because it is simply not the nice thing to do.

This means that I’ll do everything to avoid the fight. I’ll be kind, try to deter the aggression, deescalate the brewing conflict and, even if it hurts my ego, I’ll run away.

When all of these have failed and my life or the lives of my family are in danger, we switch to the “destroy if you must.”

Destroying may mean everything up to and including lethal options, if required. It is not something I’m looking to do, want to do or am seeking, but is a part of being a protector (like a member of the military or just ethical civilian). Destroying doesn’t always mean lethal; it may just mean preventing the threat from continuing the attack and allowing space for those in danger to get to safety.

The spectrum of violence in real life (excluding training or sport fighting) goes from nothing to serious bodily harm with almost nothing in between. There simply is not a good reason to fight outside of a sportive or training center otherwise.

If you haven’t adopted many of the slogans and life lessons of Tiga Tactics, it is time to start looking at yourself in the mirror. Then think through the long-term consequences and 2nd/3rd order effects that may come from being too aggressive.

You’ll find if you stick to Tiga Tactics mindset, you’ll hopefully never have to use the skillset and toolset portion of the Pyramid of Personal Protection.

Run If You Can, Destroy If You Must™ (merchandishe now available here)



“Just run.”
This is among the worst self-defense advice I’ve heard from so-called experts.
And sadly, I’m hearing it a lot more lately because social media has given them a much larger megaphone to spread their nonsense.
“Just run” ranks right up there with “Just stand up” in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and “Just shoot ‘em” in the firearms world.
If ONLY it were that easy!
People who spout such hollow advice have obviously never practiced against a resistant partner, let alone realistically pressure-tested at full speed and power.
This is why my co-founder Dr. Conrad Bui and I have the motto, “Run if you can. Destroy if you must.”
The second phrase doesn’t necessarily mean taking a life; it could be destroying a bad guy’s intent to harm us or, say, destroying his hand so he can no longer hold a weapon.
Evan Perperis knows all too well what “destroy if you must” means.
During his two decades in the U.S. Army, this retired Special Forces soldier spent a whopping 44 months deployed to the Middle East.
Yet, he still found himself running — literally.
Even though he was in the world’s most dangerous war zones, Evan continued to train for Obstacle Course Racing (OCR) events when he wasn’t battling terrorists.
Needless to say, this OCR world champion understands how to stay safe while training outdoors.
And he’s going to share both his combat expertise and real-world experiences at our Runners Guide to Self-Defense Webinar on February 23.
In this exclusive 1-hour online seminar, we’re teaming up with the retired Green Beret to unveil how to:

  • Avoid the most common (and deadly) mistakes while working out.

  • Develop a training plan that will deter criminals.

  • Make small adjustments to gear and apparel for maximum safety.

There will also be a Q&A segment so you can ask him anything and get candid answers from a combat veteran.
This live-streaming event will enhance your personal protection skills — regardless if you’re an athlete, a hiker, or even just a walking enthusiast.
If you register by Valentine’s Day, you’ll not only lock in the best price but also receive lifetime access to a recording of the webinar.
But don’t wait, because attendance will be capped.

Click here to reserve your slot now




It should surprise no one that, as a certified Tiga Tactics instructor, I like and believe in the techniques and content that Tiga Tactics has created.  However, I don’t put them all on equal levels. 

The one I had the least confidence with, Knife Defense, I actually had the opportunity to pressure test.  Here’s that story and why I have greater confidence in this program than ever before.

Methodology in Training: 

As part of the military, we like to increase the stress on soldiers through training.  This is done in an incremental fashion, much in the way Tiga Tactics teaches by starting off “slow,” then going to “smooth,” than gradually speeding things up to “fast.”

This is a common practice you will see in all of Tiga Tactic’s online courses; the military calls this approach “crawl, walk, run”.


As part of training, we did a “live” (AKA competitive) drill where one person was armed with a Shocknife and the other person had no weapons at all. 

The Shocknife delivers a jolt of electricity — up to 7,500 volts — like a stun gun if you touch the “blade edge.” Clearly, this is the “run” or “fast” phase of training. 

The goal of the unarmed person was to disarm the person with the Shocknife.  The soldiers were taught several self-defense techniques.  One of the options partially overlapped with what Tiga Tactics teaches in their Knife Defense course but with some (what I would call significant) differences.

Each soldier was then required to disarm his opponent in a round robin fashion by grappling over the Shocknife.  For the drill you ended up doing three disarms against three different attackers.

Plan of Execution:

Rather than use the military-taught technique, I decided to use this as an opportunity to pressure test Tiga’s techniques, since I would get to watch other people use the different military techniques around a couple of dozen times.  I was excited to test it out because unlike a martial arts class where everyone is learning the same technique, the other soldiers wouldn’t know my plans and thus would respond more instinctively and naturally.

Furthermore, the group was legitimately trying to shock each other, as is the case when you take competitive soldiers and put them in an environment where people are watching and judging. 


So how did the techniques taught by Tiga Tactics in Knife Defense play out? 

Well out of the three disarm drills, I only got shocked once during disarm attempt number two to my forearm/hand area. 

That was three successful disarms using Tiga Tactics techniques against stakes that are about as high as you can get while still operating in a safe training environment. 

Possible Critique: 

I know what you are thinking, were the soldiers actually going hard in this training environment or just going through the motions? 

If you have worked with Type A personalities like soldiers you probably already know the answer.   The more one person gets shocked often the harder they’ll go the next round, creating an increasing level of resistance that just occurs naturally.  If you still have doubts as to how hard we were training, as further evidence I’ll cite that one of the 12 soldiers broke his hand in the scuffle that was part of the disarm. 

Yes…we were going hard. 


Not surprisingly, Tiga Tactic’s techniques work when pressure tested.  This is what you get when you take real world video, come up with solutions, pressure test it and refine it to the best product.  If you aren’t training at home, now is the time and with how easy it is to conceal a knife, you may want to start with  Knife Defense.



I’ve been training in various styles of martial arts for several years and spent most of my adult life preparing for and then deploying to combat zones around the world for the U.S. Army.

Despite having significantly more self-defense training than the average person, I recently attended two different spouse/women’s self-defense seminars — one online through Tiga Tactics and one in person offered on a military base by a local martial arts gym.

While you may think it’s not necessary, here’s why I took the time to learn “women’s
self-defense.” As with all things Tiga Tactics, the justification comes in a set of three:

1) They Don’t, So I Do: My sister, wife, and daughter don’t love training in combat or combat sports like I do.

If I tried to teach them all the stuff I learn in the several hours a week I spend in training, not only would it be likely impossible, but they would also lose interest really quickly.

Instead, I wanted to know what others were putting out so I could get the ladies in my family functional as soon as possible.

The same logic not only applies to my wife but other members of my family as well. Whether that be my daughter, my sister, my young son, or my parents. Unless you grew up in a combat-sports family, chances are not everyone you know has the attention span that you do when it comes to fighting.

2) Easy to Learn: In the fitness industry there’s a saying that goes, “The best diet is one that you can stick to and the best workout routine is one that you will regularly do”.

A self-defense program that requires months and years of training to be effective will likely not work for a large percentage of the population.

Instead those looking for self-defense who have a limited attention span need to be taught quickly, at their convenience, and at their own pace.

This is what Tiga Tactics has done with their online programs: allow you to move on your own schedule, at your own pace, as well as let you re-watch programs as many times as needed.

3) Ability to Practice/Re-Train: Even if a style is easy to learn, if your spouse wants to be effective, he or she is still going to need practice or some refresher training.

Training consistently is the best solution and what is most recommended if you want to get better. However, you need to start someplace, and Tiga Tactics gives you an easy way to access information in the comfort of your own home.

Their online course “Fighting Chance Combatives” is something you can view on demand. As digital media, you can re-watch it any time you want as long as you have internet access and a computer or mobile device. 

Tiga Tactics has taken their no-nonsense approach to getting functional ASAP and applied it to self-defense specifically for women or those of smaller stature (get “Fighting Chance Combatives” here).

As a male, I may never have to use some of the tactics and tips shared by the instructors at Tiga Tactics (although a lot more are useful than you would think), but I’m glad I know. Before my daughter grows up and starts venturing out on her own, I’ll be sure to give her these tools to survive, too.


Evan Perperis is a U.S. Army Special Forces veteran with a cumulative 44 months of combat deployments. He’s currently a brown belt at Shaolin Kempo Karate, has been trained in Modern Army Combatives Program Level I and is currently training in Kali, Jeet Kune Do, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

When not practicing martial arts or working, he’s racing as a professional Obstacle Course Racing athlete with more than 65 podium finishes and helping others as a National Strength & Conditioning Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT). His website is Strength & Speed, and his biography is available in hard copy/digital and audiobook from Amazon.


Apply Through Nov. 30

We’re looking to donate more than $3,100 worth of Veterans Self-Defense Scholarships to 9 deserving warriors.

These scholarships come in the form of our latest home study course, “Antigrappling: Takedown Defense & Survival” and all of its bonus materials.

This 20-part online course strips away all the sporty aspects of wrestling and jiu-jitsu and focuses on only the most practical tactics and techniques needed to avoid and even stop a dangerous street-fight from going to the ground.

Because lying flat on your back leaves you:

  • Unable to run
  • More vulnerable to weapons
  • Wide open for a “boot party” to your head

This home study course is packed with practical safety tips that you can apply in the same day, street-effective techniques, and realistic and progressive drills to get you in fighting shape.

As scholarship winners, the 9 veterans will each receive free access to “Antigrappling: Takedown Defense & Survival” (normally $150) and all of its bonuses (worth $197) for a total value of $347 per scholarship.

To be eligible, you must have honorably served in the United States military or the Canadian Armed Forces and be able to provide some form of proof of your service.

It’s free to apply for this scholarship, and there’s no catch.

We just ask that the winners agree to:

  • Have their name, photo, and branch of service published in our announcement of the winners. (Some details can be omitted for professional/personal security.)

  • Provide a written testimonial once they’re finished the course.

Good luck to all the applicants!


Rules, Terms, and Conditions

1. Eligibility: This Scholarship is open only to those who are 18 years old as of the date of application, are legal residents of the United States and Canada, is a veteran of the U.S. or Canadian Armed Forces. Tiga Tactics, its employees, instructors, representatives, affiliates, subsidiaries, and suppliers (herein after called the “Company”), and immediate family members are not eligible to participate in the Scholarship. The Scholarship is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Void where prohibited.

2. Agreement to Rules: By applying, the Applicant (herein after called “You”) agree to be fully unconditionally bound by these terms and conditions, and You represent and warrant that You meet the eligibility requirements. In addition, You agree to accept the decisions of the Company as final and binding as it relates to the content of This Scholarship.

3. Scholarship Application Period: Applications will be accepted starting on Friday, November 11, 2022 at 6 a.m. PT and ending Wednesday, November 30, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. PT. All online applications must be received no later than Wednesday, November 30, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. PT.

4. How to Enter: The Scholarship can only be entered here and you must answer every question. The entry must fulfill all Scholarship requirements, as specified, to be eligible to win a Scholarship. Applications that are incomplete or do not adhere to the rules or specifications may be disqualified at the sole discretion of the Company. You may enter only once. You must provide the information requested. You may not enter more times than indicated by using multiple email addresses, identities, or devices in an attempt to circumvent the rules. If You use fraudulent methods or otherwise attempt to circumvent the rules, your submission may be removed from eligibility at the sole discretion of the Company.

5. Prizes: There will be 9 Winners of the Scholarship (herein after called the “Winner”) in total — one winner from each eligible category listed in Section 1. Each Winner will receive lifetime online access to “Antigrappling: Takedown Defense & Survival” ($150 value) and all of its related bonus materials ($197 value). Actual/appraised value may differ at time of prize award. The specifics of the prize shall be solely determined by the Company. No cash or other prize substitution shall be permitted except at the Company’s discretion. The prize is nontransferable. Any and all prize-related expenses, including without limitation any and all federal, state, and/or local taxes, shall be the sole responsibility of Winner. No substitution of prize or transfer/assignment of prize to others or request for the cash equivalent by Winner is permitted. Acceptance of prize constitutes permission for the Company to use Winner’s name, likeness, and application for purposes of advertising and trade without further compensation, unless prohibited by law.

6. Odds: The odds of winning depend on the number of eligible applications received.

7. Winner Selection and Notification: The Company has sole and complete discretion to select the Winners. Winner must be able to provide valid proof of former military service.

Winner will be notified via email within two (2) days following selection of Winner. The Company shall have no liability for Winner’s failure to receive notices due to spam, junk e-mail, or other security settings or for Winner’s provision of incorrect or otherwise non-functioning contact information. If Winner cannot be contacted, is ineligible, fails to claim the prize within seven (7) days from the time award notification was sent, or fails to timely return a completed and executed declaration and release as required, the Scholarship may be forfeited and an alternate Winner selected. Receipt by Winner of the prize offered in this Scholarship is conditioned upon compliance with any and all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. The Company is not liable or responsible in any way for any taxes, tariffs, or fees associated with receipt of the prize.

8. Rights Granted By You: By entering this content (e.g., photo, video, text, etc.) to apply for the Scholarship, You understand and agree that the Company, its employees, instructors, representatives, affiliates, subsidiaries, licensees, successors, and assigns, shall have the right — where permitted by law — to print, publish, broadcast, distribute, and use in any media now known or hereafter developed, in perpetuity and throughout the world, without limitation, your entry, name, portrait, picture, voice, likeness, image, statements about the Scholarship, and biographical information for news, publicity, information, trade, advertising, public relations, and promotional purposes and without any further compensation, notice, review, or consent.

9. Terms & Conditions: The Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the Scholarship should a virus, bug, non-authorized human intervention, fraud, or other cause beyond the Company’s control corrupts or affects the administration, security, fairness, or proper conduct of the Scholarship. In such case, the Company may select the Winner from all eligible applications received prior to and/or after (if appropriate) the action taken by the Company. The Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who tampers or attempts to tamper with the entry process or the operation of the Scholarship, the Company’s social media accounts, online platforms, and website, or violates these Terms & Conditions. The Company has the right, in its sole discretion, to maintain the integrity of the Scholarship, to void applications for any reason, including, but not limited to: multiple applications from the same user from different accounts or IP addresses; multiple applications from the same computer in excess of that allowed by Scholarship rules; or the use of bots, macros, scripts, or other technical means for entering. Any attempt by an entrant to deliberately damage any website or undermine the legitimate operation of the Scholarship may be a violation of criminal and civil laws. Should such attempt be made, the Company reserves the right to seek damages to the fullest extent permitted by law.

10. Limitation of Liability: By entering, You agree to release and hold harmless Company, its employees, instructors, representatives, affiliates, subsidiaries, licensees, successors, and assigns from any liability, illness, injury, death, loss, litigation, claim, or damage that may occur, directly or indirectly, whether caused by negligence or not, from: (i) such entrant’s participation in the Scholarship and/or his/her acceptance, possession, use, or misuse of any prize or any portion thereof; (ii) technical failures of any kind, including but not limited to the malfunction of any computer, cable, network, hardware, or software, or other mechanical equipment; (iii) the unavailability or inaccessibility of any transmissions, telephone, or Internet service; (iv) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the Promotion; (v) electronic or human error in the administration of the Promotion or the processing of applications.

11. Disputes: This Scholarship is governed by the laws of the USA and the State of California, without respect to conflict with law doctrines. As a condition of participating in this Scholarship, You agree that any and all disputes that cannot be resolved between the parties, and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Scholarship, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, exclusively before a court located in California having jurisdiction. Further, in any such dispute, under no circumstances shall Participant be permitted to obtain awards for, and hereby waives all rights to, punitive, incidental, or consequential damages, including reasonable attorney’s fees, other than Participant’s actual out-of-pocket expenses (i.e. costs associated with entering this Scholarship). Participant further waives all rights to have damages multiplied or increased.

12. Privacy Policy: Information submitted with an entry is subject to the Privacy Policy stated on the Company website. To read the Privacy Policy, click here

13. MailChimp: The Scholarship hosted by the Company is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with MailChimp.

14. Acceptance of All Rules and Terms & Conditions: By entering the contest, You have affirmatively reviewed, accepted, and agreed to all of the Rules and Terms & Conditions explained here.



Wilderness Warrior Weekend Camp


We’re teaming up with survival expert and New York Times bestselling author Tim MacWelch to host Wilderness Warrior Weekend Camp!
This will be two days packed with combatives, survivalism, and (most importantly) fun camaraderie! We’ll teach you self-preservation skills using three tools: your hands, your knife, and your axe.
You’ll learn how to procure water, make fire, build a shelter, and defend yourself.
This is going to be epic — like “The Walking Dead” epic … but without the brain-eating zombies, of course. 


September 17-18, 2022
Exact itinerary will be announced shortly


We’ll be training in the great outdoors on private property in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
It is roughly 1 hour south of Washington, D.C., and 1 hour north of Richmond, Virginia.


If you sign up now, you’ll save a massive 60% off the regular price. But don’t delay because this Save-the-Date Special won’t last long.

Takedown Defense & Survival Webinar


We’re pumped to announce that we’ll be holding our first street-grappling seminar — and everyone in the world is invited!

That’s because the Takedown Defense & Survival Webinar is n live online event that anyone can join so long as you have a mobile device/computer and a reliable Internet connection.

Come join us to learn how to defend against and (more importantly) how to avoid a takedown on the streets. We’ll also cover how to breakfall properly if you are taken down so that you don’t BREAK as you FALL.


April 9, 2022

10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Pacific Time


Online in your home, thanks to magic of the Internet and the Zoom app


Any open-minded, respectful adult can attend this seminar. (Minors must have their parents or guardians’ permission via a signed copy of our waiver form.)

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt or a complete grappling newbie. This webinar will have something for everyone, as we’ll be covering how to defend yourself against a takedown on the streets where there are no rules and no referees.

This will be a combatives-infused grappling seminar backed by science, research, and real-life fight footage.

He’s Lucky to Be Alive

The dude really should count his lucky stars today.
The man I’m talking about in the headline is a 29-year-old New York subway rider who was smashed in the head with a hammer last week.
His assailant was Christian Jeffers, a career criminal who has at least 47 (yes, forty-seven!) prior arrests before being arraigned last Friday for the unprovoked and vicious attack.
Jeffers bumped into the victim on the train platform then screamed, “Why you hit me?”
Then he suddenly pulled out a hammer from a bag and swung!
The victim got one arm up as he stepped back, but it wasn’t enough — nor was it the right defensive move — and the hammer landed with a sickening thunk sound.
From confrontational question to cranium contact, the scary assault took just 3 seconds.
“I didn’t see the hammer,” the victim told the New York Post. “It happened, like, too quick for me to react.”
The 29-year-old fell to the concrete, his forehead bleeding from the hammer blow. He was hospitalized, but fortunately not for too long.
There’s a lot to unpack with this case, but here are our top 3 takeaways:

  • Avoid the “poisoned hand:” The shoulder bump that preceded the hammer attacker reminded me of what my Kung Fu master called the “poisoned hand.” No, it’s not an ancient death touch technique; it’s the concept of avoiding damage by not being where a kick or punch would land. This means getting in and out of range quickly.

    Jeffers understood range when he intentionally bumped into his victim. So, when possible in public, get out of the way. Give people as wide a berth as possible and recognize when someone is within striking range — both yours and theirs.

  • Steel your mind: It’s pretty clear by what the victim told reporters that he didn’t expect to be in a fight that day — especially against a career criminal armed with a hammer! If you can’t even imagine an event happening, it’s pretty difficult to prepare for it when it does happen.

    That’s why, as part of my defensive mindset ritual, I either perform one draw of my chosen self-defense tool or say to myself, “This could be the day I might have to fight for my life or the life of a loved one.” This prepares me mentally right out of the gate.

  • Don’t rely on your reaction time: Jeffer’s 29-year-old victim said that things happened too quickly for him to react. But that’s the problem with most unsuspecting prey; they always assume they’ll see an assault coming and have the time and distance to react.

    News flash: Evil does not strike slowly. Two-legged predators attack in the concrete jungle just like their four-legged brethren do in the wild — unexpectedly, quickly, and violently.

That’s why you need consistent and realistic training, because (as the saying goes) you do not rise to the occasion but rather fall to the level of your training.
Conrad and I have spent years pressure-testing techniques against resistant partners armed with training weapons (from knives and guns to sticks and baseball bats).
We know what it takes to survive an urban ambush involving a hammer or any other blunt weapon.
And it’s not necessarily what’s taught on the range or in the dojo.
Fortunately, you don’t have to spend decades studying martial arts, combat sports, and combatives like we did.
That’s because we’ve distilled the best tips, tactics, and training drills in “Club Proof 1.0.”
And in honor of my namesake holiday today, you can get this home study course for half price during St. Patrick’s Day week.
Just use the 50% off promo code stpaddy2022 at checkout.

Enroll in “Club Proof” today so you don’t have to rely on luck to survive a blunt weapon attack.

But don’t wait — our St. Patrick’s Day sale ends at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time this Saturday.

EDC Edged Weapon Seminar: Maryland 2022


Tiga Tactics is pumped to announce that we’re bringing our popular EDC Edged Weapon Seminar to the East Coast!

We’ve only taught this seminar on the West Coast and as a webinar series, and it has sold out each and every time. So, you’ll want to sign up ASAP!


Saturday, May 14, 2022

  • 9 a.m. to noon
  • 1-hour lunch break
  • 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

  • 9 a.m. to noon
  • 1-hour lunch break
  • 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.


Academy of Traditional Asian Fighting Arts
7908 Harford Rd.
Parkville, MD 21234


To ensure our high standards of instruction and personal mentorship, we limit the size of our seminars to ONLY 30 students maximum. 

And keep in mind our previous seminars have all sold out prior to the start of the events.

So don’t delay — sign up now! Hit the red button below.