We’ve had both the privilege to teach some awesome warriors — from concerned civilians to members of U.S. special-operations forces — and we’ve also had the honor of being trained by some truly world-class instructors.
Here’s a snapshot of what these talented folks have said about our co-founders (Dr. Conrad Bui and Patrick Vuong) and Tiga Tactics Combatives™.
What People Are Saying

Tim MacWelch
Owner of Advanced Survival Training
Wilderness Survival Expert
Multi-time NYT Bestselling Author
“Self-defense shouldn’t be limited to the ‘best’ of us, it should be for the ‘rest’ of us.
So, whether you’re in great shape (or not), you should still take the initiative to learn how to protect yourself and those you love — and Tiga Tactics is the best place I can recommend.”

Steven Barlow
Editor of Knives Illustrated
Former New York State Trooper
Former Police Firearms Instructor
“I can say that the skills taught here were very much in line with my experience as a police officer. As a matter of fact, the technique taught here about striking at your attacker while stepping back to create the opportunity to deploy your knife was exactly what we taught our officers during firearms training in order to be able to draw our pistols. It can save your life.”

Marcel Fortuna
4th-Degree Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt
BJJ World Champion
Former UFC Fighter
“Earning a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a long and difficult road. It’s full of frustration, disappointments and injuries. That’s why so many people quit. But it’s also one of the best investments you can make.
Dr. Conrad Bui has taken this long road and is a professor I will recommend. If you want the technical ground fighting knowledge, hit him up.”

Matthew Baker
Firearms Instructor
Lifelong Combatives Enthusiast
Los Angeles, California
“The content was very well curated and flowed well from one class to the next, building skills in a logical linear order. The content was presented in a universal way that was accessible and beneficial to all skill levels.
I loved their concept and approach to empty-hand combatives in a weapons-based environment, utilizing moves that have a high probability of success under stress and a low probability of injury.”

Diego Herzog
4th-Degree Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt
Bellator MMA Fighter
BJJ Black Belt Champion
“Grappling and BJJ are complicated subjects. Getting a black belt is not easy, and Dr. Conrad Bui earned his black belt the hard way from me. He put in his time on the mats and in competition.
As my first black belt, he has a warrior spirit and is very technical in the ground game. Conrad’s well-rounded approach to martial arts in general makes him a first class professor. Oss!”

Emily Chen
Owner of Vis Modum
Firearms Instructor
Competition Shooter
“Patrick Vuong possesses a wealth of knowledge and skill, which most instructors I’ve ever come across do not possess.
He’s very intuitive; knowing that everyone is built differently, he’s able to fine-tune what works best for you in order to increase your chance of survival. Aside from the fact that he’s patient, understanding, compassionate, and observant, he could be defined as an ‘Encyclopedia of Combatives.'”

Kevin Grzech Sr.
Retired Firefighter
Lifelong Martial Artist
Fayetteville, North Carolina
“Training with Tiga Tactics was a reality check for me. I’ve trained with a lot of people for a lot of years, and it just proves that you can never been too trained.
Don’t take things for granted. Size, gender, it doesn’t matter. If they’re intent on hurting you, they’re going to hurt you. And if you don’t do this reality-based training you’re the one who’s going to pay.”

Rosie Um
First-Time Student
Software Support Specialist
Orange County, California
“The course was very helpful, and the instructors did an amazing job breaking down the lessons so it was easy to understand. I love the explanations as to how each combative technique is helpful in specific physical situations.
One of the things that resonated with me was to not act like a victim. This has been an invaluable course that provided me with the essential skills and tools to carry with me every day.”

Jeffrey Han
Actor & Performer
Poet & Playwrite
Lifelong Martial Artist
“Patrick Vuong brings a wealth of martial arts experience paired with a practical mindset. He cuts the unnecessary fluff and gets to the methods and techniques that could one day save your life.
Patrick is personable, patient, and truthful. He gives you the facts, and tailors the training to each student. His ability to break down complicated combative concepts into lessons anyone can understand is second to none. Patrick is one of the best teachers I have ever had.”