Join us August 3 when we’ll be one of the exhibitors at the largest martial arts convention on the West Coast

This is your chance to come hang out with us for the day, as we’ll be showing off some of our combatives programs and handing out free prizes to everyone who visits our booth.

Plus, there are a ton of other amazing vendors, too, including action movie stars, martial arts legends, and assorted equipment manufacturers and suppliers.

And the entire event benefits a great cause: the Martial Arts History Museum. So, grab your ticket and join us in August.



This exclusive 1-hour live event will elevate your physical fitness so you can reach your martial peak — regardless of your age, size, or skill level

Here’s an open secret not enough instructors have addressed: A physical fight is … well … PHYSICAL.

So it makes sense to be as physically fit as possible. After all, if you’re huffing and puffing after climbing just one set of stairs, you’ll be in for a rude awakening during a violent altercation.

That’s why we’re teaming up with Special Forces soldier Evan Perperis (who’s also a world champion in Obstacle Course Racing) for this 60-minute online seminar on August 18.

This live event will give you:

  • Exercise principles that apply to self-defense, martial arts, or whatever your next fitness goal is

  • Nutrition for performance

  • Developing training plans

  • Goal-setting for fitness, self-defense, and martial arts

  • Simple adjustments to peak your performance 

This webinar can take your combatives training to the next level while giving you the confidence to know you can face a real-life threat without crumbling in the first 10 seconds.

Just keep in mind attendance will be capped due to Zoom limitations, so hit the red button below to secure your slot today.